Have a VISIONARY experience using the power of plant medicines.
Combining psychedelics with touch can be a profound healing. The research into plant medicines is clear: setting up a safe and loving container is essential to having a positive, transformative experience. We will work together to:
identify and clarify your intentions
create a physical setting that keeps you calm and centred
establish safety protocols
be guided through various meditations or rituals such as:
chakra holding
mutual breathing
tantra visualization of energy
eye gazing
reintegrate your learnings after the journey is over
Options: -
2 hour journey
using a microdose during a 2-hour massage​ ($290)
4 hour journey and a follow-up phone call, $400
using a low-dose to heighten relaxation and intimacy
focus on staying in the body and find pleasure
8 hour journey (roughly 11am~7pm) including a post- phone call, $650
using a high dose to enter deeper states of awareness
a pre-meeting is required to discuss expectations and form intentions ($90)
Rates are negotiable for folks identifying as black, indigenous or trans.
"My medicine journey with Ziji was incredibly healing, self-connecting and helped shift my mindset after years of struggle with anxiety and depression that was debilitating and frankly, had me at the end of my ability to cope. He provided a safe space that allowed me the opportunity to dive deep into some past trauma, make sense of a non-sensical internal narrative and release some thoughts I had been holding on to that were not serving me. Ziji facilitated this experience from beginning to end and provided after care follow up to further dive into healing. I'll be forever grateful for this wise man's gift, his ability to hold space, to give love and to guide in self-healing." JP, June 2022
"Trust is essential to dispel fear, and as I’ve been working with Ziji over the years, I have implicit trust in him. Ziji was not only my guide and witness, but he was also my companion on the journey. The eight hours were timeless as we moved amongst quiet, enjoying music, food, intimacy, sensuality, and the erotic. I was held in body, mind, and soul. I’ve never experienced anything as beautiful. He is an amazingly skilled guide, witness, and travel companion; it is clearly his vocation." RHK, May 2023