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Your Questions, Answered


What will my first session be like?

We will begin by having a conversation about your intention regarding the massage, and what you can expect during your time on the table. Before starting the massage, I offer a complimentary meditation that helps to ground and relax. The massage itself includes a weaving together of therapeutic, sensual and erotic elements. The massage ends with a period of stillness, allowing you to enjoy basking in the energy that has been generated. You'll have a chance to describe your experience or ask any questions as we chat before saying goodbye.

Why do people get tantric massages?

There are many answers to this question, so I will only cover the main reasons:

  • tantric massage has a remarkable ability of cutting through the noise of everyday worries and stresses, bringing us back to the energetic dimension that we all have deep within us. The massage is profoundly restorative, oftentimes more so than a regular therapeutic massage.

  • tantric massage familiarizes us with our body on a deeper level. Sometimes our own body feels foreign to us, or it feels that we are not exploring it to its ultimate capability. Oftentimes, regular sexual situations can bring up anxieties and tensions that distract us from experiencing the deeper levels of pleasure accessible in the body.

  • some men, unfamiliar to male touch, do not want to deal with hookups, cruising spots or bath houses. This experience is safe, caring and relatively controlled. Nothing will happen that you don't want to happen.

  • for some, sexual arousal is a deeply spiritual experience, and this massage acknowledges and heightens the spiritual dimension of erotic energy. It also provides fuel for our spiritual practice by illuminating the deeper and more timeless layers of our own being.

  • some folks are working through trauma related to previous sexual abuse. A tantric massage can be a great way of re-familiarizing the body with healthy and nourishing erotic touch, helping heal the previous trauma.

  • some of us deal with high levels of self-consciousness with our bodies; they may not look the way bodies look in magazines, instagram, or porn videos. Finding regular sexual partners requires having to navigate the other person's responses and triggers in relation to our body. This can be time consuming and stressful. You can trust that I'm not judging you based on your body, because we're not building a regular romantic relationship. All bodies are welcome in my space, because all bodies can experience pleasure.

Why is my rate higher than others?

People consistently describe the massage I offer as above and beyond what others are offering. This is partly because I am devoting a large part of my life to this practice, and so I wish to be recompensed accordingly. This work requires a lot of spiritual energy and personal discipline. I maintain a daily personal meditation and yoga practice, along with consistent physical exercise, in order to keep my body and mind tuned up to offer the best possible experience to you.

Who do you recommend if you are busy or away?

I recommend Jeff who can be contacted at Slow Hand Massage, or Kermode

How can I pay?

Cash is easiest, but I also do accept credit card, bitcoin or e-transfer. Please note that paying by credit card, I will charge the 4% fee I incur ($8 on a $200 massage).

Am I allowed to touch you during the massage?

I ask you to focus on receiving touch during the massage. This is for a number of reasons:

  • in yoga and meditation, we let go of the active part of our mind that is constantly planning, analyzing, strategizing, and trying to figure out the world. The power of this massage can truly be felt when you let go of needing to control the experience in any way, and to simply let your mind and body completely surrender to the experience of receiving pleasure.

  • this massage is primarily an introspective experience of becoming more deeply aware of the inner energies of the body/heart/mind, and getting too involved with giving touch back can distract you from the true benefit of this massage.

  • it is rare to be in a situation where we can just receive pleasurable touch, with no expectation of return, so make use of the gift!

  • If you feel that touching me back is very important for you, I ask that you limit your touch to holding me: holding my hand, back, leg, neck, etc. I do not desire active stimulation. 

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